

Price is what you pay, value is what you get – Warren Buffet

Valuation refers to the process of determining the present value of a company or an asset. It can be done using a number of techniques. Analysts that want to place value on a company normally look at the management of the business, the prospective future earnings, the market value of the company’s assets, and its capital structure composition.

Valuation may also be used in determining a security’s fair value, which depends on the amount that a buyer is ready to pay a seller, with the assumption that both parties will enter the transaction. The purpose of a valuation is to track the effectiveness of your strategic decision-making process and provide the ability to track performance in terms of estimated change in value, not just in revenue.

Business appraisal and valuation services are critical to making informed decisions when planning for growth or business succession, complying with strict tax and financial reporting guidelines, contemplating a sale or acquisition or facing a dispute or litigation.


Valuation reports are now required on multiple instances. Some of them are:

  • Portfolio valuation by Venture Capital / Private Equity funds and
    • their carried interest valuation
  • Merger / Acquisition (Domestic & Cross Border) Assessment of
    • Swap Ratio
  • Fairness Opinions/Independent value analysis on your target or
    • investee companies
  • Valuation for spinooff / restructuring
  • Share Purchase / Investment / Fund Raising
  • Brand / Intellectual Property Valuation
  • ESOP valuation
  • Impairment testing for investment
  • Valuation of unquoted companies/financial instruments
  • Portfolio valuation by Venture Capital / Private Equity funds and their carried interest valuation
  • Merger / Acquisition (Domestic & Cross Border) Assessment of Swap Ratio
  • Fairness Opinions/Independent value analysis on your target or investee companies
  • Valuation for spinooff / restructuring
  • Share Purchase / Investment / Fund Raising
  • Brand / Intellectual Property Valuation
  • ESOP valuation
  • Impairment testing for investment
  • Valuation of unquoted companies/financial instruments